Guide overview

In this guide you will learn how to make an applet for LaunchMenu.

It will introduce you to all major aspects of creating applets:

At the end of this guide you will be left with your own simple Hello world applet, and the knowledge to create your own more advanced applets.


Below is a video demonstrating all the behavior of the applet you will be making.


We highly recommend reading through and or following along with this guide, but you can find the final code on github if you just want a quick example nonetheless.

Or check the final example code below.

View code import React, {FC} from "react"; import {useDataHook} from "model-react"; import { Box, createContextAction, createKeyPatternSetting, createSettings, createSettingsFolder, createStandardMenuItem, createStandardSearchPatternMatcher, createStringSetting, declare, KeyPattern, Menu, Priority, searchAction, UILayer, useIOContext, } from "@launchmenu/core"; const info = { name: "HelloWorld", description: "A minimal example applet", version: "0.0.0", icon: "applets" as const, tags: ["cool"], }; const settings = createSettings({ version: "0.0.0", settings: () => createSettingsFolder({, children: { username: createStringSetting({name: "User name", init: "Bob"}), alert: createKeyPatternSetting({ name: "Alert shortcut", init: new KeyPattern("ctrl+g"), }), }, }), }); const helloWorldPattern = createStandardSearchPatternMatcher({ name: "Hello world", matcher: /^world: /, }); const alertCombined = createContextAction({ name: "Alert", contextItem: { icon: "send", priority: [Priority.HIGH], shortcut: context => context.settings.get(settings).alert.get(), }, core: (texts: string[]) => ({ execute: ({context}) => { const name = context?.settings.get(settings).username.get(); const prefix = texts.reduce((total, text, i) => { const dist = texts.length - i - 1; const spacer = dist == 0 ? "" : dist == 1 ? " and " : ", "; return total + (i > 0 ? text.toLowerCase() : text) + spacer; }, ""); alert(`${prefix} ${name}`); }, }), }); const Content: FC<{text: string}> = ({text}) => { const context = useIOContext(); const [hook] = useDataHook(); const name = context?.settings.get(settings).username.get(hook); return ( <Box color="primary"> {text} {name}! </Box> ); }; const items = [ createStandardMenuItem({ name: "Hello world", onExecute: () => alert("Hello!"), content: <Content text="Hello" />, searchPattern: helloWorldPattern, actionBindings: [alertCombined.createBinding("Hello")], }), createStandardMenuItem({ name: "Bye world", onExecute: () => alert("Bye!"), content: <Content text="Bye" />, searchPattern: helloWorldPattern, actionBindings: [alertCombined.createBinding("Bye")], }), ]; export default declare({ info, settings, async search(query, hook) { return { children: searchAction.get(items), }; }, open({context, onClose}) { new UILayer(() => ({menu: new Menu(context, items), onClose}), { path: "Hello world", }) ); }, });

Table of Contents
