Menu items

As the name implies, menu items are the items that show up in menus.

They are objects with a rather simple interface:

export type IMenuItem = { /** * The view of the menu item, in order to visualize the item in the menu */ readonly view: IMenuItemView; /** * The action bindings */ readonly actionBindings: ISubscribable<IActionBinding<IAction>[]>; }; export type IMenuItemView = FC<{ /** Whether this item is currently selected as the cursor in the menu */ isCursor: boolean; /** Whether this item is currently selected in the menu in order to execute actions on */ isSelected: boolean; /** A reference back to the item this component is a view for */ item: IMenuItem; /** Highlighting data, things to be highlighted in the item */ highlight: IQuery | null; /** The menu this item view is rendered for */ menu: IMenu; /** A callback for when this item is executed (by mouse) */ onExecute?: IMenuItemExecuteCallback; }>;

The view specifies the React component to render, and the actionBindings specify data that can be used to interact with the item. You can learn more about these action bindings on the in-depth actions page.

Or check a list with the most commonly used actions.

Standard menu items

LaunchMenu provides a factory function createStandardMenuItem to create a menu item that adheres to the LaunchMenu styling. It also allows you to specify data for the most commonly used actions, as well as pass your own custom action bindingz.

Below is the interface of all the data that can be passed to the factory:

export type IStandardMenuItemData = { /** The name of the menu item */ name: string | ((h?: IDataHook) => string); /** The icon of the menu item */ icon?: | IThemeIcon | ReactElement | ((h?: IDataHook) => IThemeIcon | ReactElement | undefined); /** The description of the menu item */ description?: string | ((h?: IDataHook) => string | undefined); /** Any tags that can be used for searching */ tags?: string[] | ((h?: IDataHook) => string[]); /** A shortcut that will activate this menu item */ shortcut?: IShortcutInput; /** Content to show when this item is selected */ content?: IViewStackItemView; /** The category to put the item under in the menu */ category?: ICategory; /** Bindings to additional actions */ actionBindings?: ISubscribable<IActionBinding[]>; /** Bindings to additional actions that use the item's identity */ identityActionBindings?: ( identityID: IUUID ) => ISubscribable<IActionBinding[]>; /** A pattern matcher that can be used to capture patterns in a search and highlight them */ searchPattern?: ISimpleSearchPatternMatcher; /** The children that should be included in searches, defaults to undefined */ searchChildren?: IRecursiveSearchChildren; // Event listeners /** The function to execute when executing the menu item's default action */ onExecute?: IExecutable; /** A listener to execute side effects when the item is selected or deselected */ onSelect?: (selected: boolean, menu: IMenu) => void; /** A listener to execute side effects when the item becomes the cursor */ onCursor?: (isCursor: boolean, menu: IMenu) => void; /** A listener to track what menus an item is added to */ onMenuChange?: (menu: IMenu, added: boolean) => void; /** Shows a given child in the list of children */ onShowChild?: IShowChildInParent; };

We can then make use of these factories in order to create simple menu items for our applets:

const items = [ createStandardMenuItem({ name: "Hello world", description: "I would like to welcome you to the marvelous world of LaunchMenu applets!", tags: ["This text can be searched, but isn't visible"], onExecute: () => alert("Hello!"), }), createStandardMenuItem({ name: "Bye world", content: <Box padding="small">This content here isn't searchable</Box>, icon: ( <img height={30} src={Path.join(__dirname, "..", "images", "icon.png")} /> ), onExecute: () => alert("Bye!"), }), ];

Custom menu items

In case our standard menu item doesn't fit your needs, you can build one from scratch. You're still able to reuse some of components of the standard menu item factory.

function createImageMenuItem({ name, image, onExecute, }: { name: string; image: string; onExecute: () => void; }): IMenuItem { const bindings = createStandardActionBindings( { name, onExecute, }, () => item ); const item: IMenuItem = { view: memo(({highlight, ...props}) => { return ( <MenuItemFrame {...props}> <MenuItemLayout name={ <Box font="header"> <simpleSearchHandler.Highlighter query={highlight}> {name} </simpleSearchHandler.Highlighter> </Box> } /> <Box display="flex" justifyContent="center" padding="medium"> <img src={image} height={200} /> </Box> </MenuItemFrame> ); }), actionBindings: bindings, }; return item; } const items = [ createImageMenuItem({ name: "Hello world", image: Path.join(__dirname, "..", "images", "icon.png"), onExecute: () => alert("hoi"), }), ];

In the example above, you will see that the created item follows most of the normal LM conventions, but also has a big image below the name of the item.

Custom items like these can easily be created by referencing the standard menu item factory, removing everything you don't need, and adding the additional elements you want.

Folder menu items

We also have a so called createFolderMenuItem factory function. This creates menu items that are for the most part the same as the standard menu item, but have a slight alteration to their UI. This alteration comes in the form of an arrow pointing to the right at the right edge, indicating that this item can be stepped into.

In addition to the visual changes, it also has some functional additions. It creates a binding for the openMenuExecuteHandler in order to open a menu of children when it's executed. The item will also expose its children as part of the item structure, for easy access.

Children of menu items can be expressed in 3 ways:

  • An object of children, in order to later easily access children
  • A list of children, if it's not important to later invidual access children
  • A data retriever/virtual data source list of children, if your data changes dynamically
// Object children const people = createFolderMenuItem({ name: "People", children: { Bob: createStandardMenuItem({ name: "Bob", onExecute: () => alert("I'm Bob!"), }), Emma: createStandardMenuItem({ name: "Emma", onExecute: () => alert("I'm Emma!"), }), }, }); // Dynamic children const createDog = (name: string) => { const item = createStandardMenuItem({ name, // Delete the dog on execution onExecute: () => dogsList.set(dogsList.get().filter(dog => dog != item)), }); return item; }; const dogsList = new Field([createDog("Max"), createDog("Jit")]); const dogs = createFolderMenuItem({ name: "Dogs", children: h => dogsList.get(h), }); export default declare({ info, settings, async search(query, hook) { return { children: searchAction.get([people, dogs]), }; }, open({context, onClose}) { // Only show "Bob" in the menu const items = [people.children.Bob]; new UILayer(() => ({menu: new Menu(context, items), onClose}), { path: "Example", }) ); }, });

In this example we show the two most interesting ways of defining children:

  • Using object of children and later reference those individual children (when opening the example applet)
  • Using a data retriever to obtain a list of children, which automatically updates when we remove items from the list by executing them

Field menu items

Lastly we have a menu item type that can be used to store data at the same time as providing a UI to alter this data. So field menu items are essentially exactly what the name imples: A field as well as a menu item. These fields are model-react fields, which means that it's simple to listen for the user altering its value.

These field menu items allow us to easily create a menu of properties that the user can update. LaunchMenu comes with several built-in types of field items, but also has a createFieldMenuItem factory function to create your own.

function createCheckboxMenuItem({ init, tags = [], actionBindings = [], }: {init: boolean} & IInputTypeMenuItemData) { return createFieldMenuItem({ init, data: field => ({ valueView: ( <Loader> {h => ( <input type="checkbox" checked={field.get(h)} readOnly /> )} </Loader> ), tags: adjustSubscribable(tags, (tags, h) => [ "field", ...tags, field.get(h).toString(), ]), actionBindings: adjustBindings(actionBindings, [ editExecuteHandler.createBinding(() => { field.set(!field.get()); }), ]),, }), }); } const goal = createCheckboxMenuItem({ init: true, resetable: true, name: "Take over the world", }); const openable = createCheckboxMenuItem({ init: false, name: "Openable", }); const items = [goal, openable]; export default declare({ info, settings, async search(query, hook) { return { children: searchAction.get(items), }; }, open({context, onClose}) { if (!openable.get()) { alert("Example can't be opened without toggling openable"); return; } new UILayer(() => ({menu: new Menu(context, items), onClose}), { path: "Example", }) ); }, });

This example shows how a custom "checkbox" field item is created, and can then be used as both a menu item and a field.

Field menu item types

Several factories for field menu items already exist and can be used directly. The following functions are available:

Each of these allows for at least the following properties:

export type IInputTypeMenuItemData = { /** Whether to update the field as you type, defaults to false */ liveUpdate?: boolean; /** Whether the change in value should be undoable, defaults to false, can't be used together with liveUpdate */ undoable?: boolean; /** The name of the field */ name: ISubscribable<string>; /** The description of the menu item */ description?: ISubscribable<string>; /** The tags for the menu item */ tags?: ISubscribable<string[]>; /** The category to show the input in */ category?: ICategory; /** Content to show when this item is selected */ content?: IViewStackItemView; /** The icon for the item */ icon?: | IThemeIcon | ReactElement | ((h?: IDataHook) => IThemeIcon | ReactElement | undefined); /** The extra action bindings */ actionBindings?: ISubscribableActionBindings; /** Whether the field should be resetable to the initial value, defaults to false */ resetable?: boolean; /** Whether the reset should be undoable, defaults to value of undoable */ resetUndoable?: boolean; /** A pattern matcher that can be used to capture patterns in a search and highlight them */ searchPattern?: ISimpleSearchPatternMatcher; };


The createBooleanMenuItem has the following exact config options:

export type IBooleanMenuItemData = { /** The default value for the field */ init: boolean; } & IInputTypeMenuItemData;


The createStringMenuItem has the following exact config options:

export type IStringMenuItemData = { /** The default value for the field */ init: string; /** Checks whether the given input is valid */ checkValidity?: (v: string) => IInputError | undefined; } & IInputTypeMenuItemData; type IInputError = { ranges?: {start: number; end: number}[]; } & ({message: string} | {view: IViewStackItem});


The createNumberMenuItem has the following exact config options:

export type INumberMenuItemData = { /** The default value for the field */ init: number; /** The numeric options to choose from */ options?: number[]; /** Whether to allow custom input when options are present, defaults to false */ allowCustomInput?: boolean; } & INumberConstraints & IInputTypeMenuItemData; type INumberConstraints = { /** The minimum allowed value */ min?: number; /** The maximum allowed value */ max?: number; /** The allowed increment step */ increment?: number; /** The base value to take the increments relative to */ baseValue?: number; /** Checks whether the given input is valid */ checkValidity?: (text: string) => IInputError | undefined; }; type IInputError = { ranges?: {start: number; end: number}[]; } & ({message: string} | {view: IViewStackItem});


The createOptionMenuItem has the following exact config options:

export type IOptionMenuItemData<T> = { /** The default value for the field */ init: T; /** The options of the field */ options: readonly T[]; /** Retrieves the element to show as the currently selected item */ getValueView?: (option: T) => JSX.Element; /** Creates a menu item for a given option */ createOptionView: (option: T) => IMenuItem; } & IInputTypeMenuItemData;


The createKeyPatternMenuItem has the following exact config options:

export type IKeyPatternMenuItemData = { /** The default value for the field */ init: KeyPattern; } & IInputTypeMenuItemData;


The createGlobalKeyPatternMenuItem has the following exact config options:

export type IKeyPatternMenuItemData = { /** The default value for the field */ init: KeyPattern; } & IInputTypeMenuItemData;

The created menu item is also a bit special, since it contains the following additional function:

export type ITriggerablePatternMenuItem = IFieldMenuItem<KeyPattern> & { /** * Registers a callback to trigger when this key pattern is invoked * @param callback The callback to be invoked * @returns A function that can be invoked to remove the listener */ onTrigger(callback: () => void): () => void; };

This allows you to easily listen for triggers of such a menu item. Whenever the user holds the key combination as specified by this item, the callback passed to onTrigger will be invoked, even if LM is closed. Whenever you want to stop listening to the callback, simply call the function returned from onTrigger to remove the callback.


The createFileMenuItem has the following exact config options:

export type IFileMenuItemData = { /** The default value for the field */ init: string; /** Whether to select a folder (or a file) */ folder?: boolean; } & IInputTypeMenuItemData;


The createColorMenuItem can be used to create a field that accepts css color string and has the following exact config options:

export type IColorMenuItemData = { /** The default value for the field */ init: string; } & IInputTypeMenuItemData;

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