
The LaunchMenu class is the base class from which the rest of the application gets controlled. The running instance of this class can be obtained in an applet as described on the applet format page.

Additionally, the running instance is available at window.LaunchMenu, which can be used for debugging/testing using chrome devtools. This should however never be used anywhere within an actual applet.


LaunchMenu contains several properties that can be used to control core aspects of LaunchMenu:

export class LaunchMenu { /** The view component to render all of LM */ public view: JSX.Element; /*** * Creates a new instance of the LaunchMenu application, * requires setup to be called before doing anything. */ public constructor(); /** * Disposes of all runtime data */ public destroy(); // Initialization /** * A method to initialize LaunchMenu */ public async setup(): Promise<void>; // Dev mode /** * Changes whether LaunchMenu is running in dev-mode * @param enabled Whether in dev-mode */ public setDevMode(enabled: boolean): void; /** * Retrieves whether LaunchMenu is running in dev-mode * @param hook The hook to subscribe to changes * @returns Whether dev mode is enabled */ public isInDevMode(hook?: IDataHook): boolean; // Window /** * Retrieves whether the LaunchMenu window is currently opened * @param hook The hook to subscribe to changes * @returns Whether the window should be opened */ public isWindowOpen(hook?: IDataHook): boolean; /** * Sets whether the window should be opened * @param open Whether the window should be opened */ public async setWindowOpen(open: boolean): Promise<void>; /** * Sets the frame component to wrap all LM sessions in * @param frame The component to use */ public setWindowFrame(frame: FC<IWindowFrameProps>): void; /** * Retrieves the currently used frame component * @param hook The hook to subscribe to changes * @returns The functional component to use as the window frame */ public getWindowFrame(hook?: IDataHook): FC<IWindowFrameProps>; // Utils /** * Fully restarts the LaunchMenu window */ public restart(): void; /** * Fully shutdown LaunchMenu */ public shutdown(): void; // General getters /** * Retrieves the key handler that listens for keyboard events and dispatches them * @returns The key handler */ public getKeyHandler(): KeyHandler; /** * Retrieves the directory that all settings are stored in * @returns The settings directory path */ public getSettingsDirectory(): string; /** * Retrieves the applet manager that loads all applets * @returns The applet manager */ public getAppletManager(): AppletManager; /** * Retrieves the session manager that manages the opened sessions * @returns The session manager */ public getSessionManager(): SessionManager; /** * Retrieves the settings manager that manages all applet and global settings * @returns The settings manager */ public getSettingsManager(): SettingsManager; /** * Retrieves the global key handler that can be used to register keyboard callbacks even when LM is hidden * @returns The global keyboard handler */ public getGlobalKeyHandler(): GlobalKeyHandler; }

Note that setWindowOpen doesn't actually make LM open or close the window itself. Instead a window-manager core-applet listens to the isWindowOpen value and takes care of opening and closing the window.

Below is an example applet showing off a potential usage of the LaunchMenu instance - hiding the window:

export default declare({ info, settings, init({LM}) { const items = [ createStandardMenuItem({ name: "Hide window", onExecute: () => LM.setWindowOpen(false), }), ]; return { async search(query, hook) { return { children: searchAction.get(items), }; }, }; }, });

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